11 Reading Analyses

There are 11 Reading Analyses
Each reading Analyses has 3-4 questions and each question should be answered in 1 1/2 pages so if one reading Analyses has 2 questions it will be a total of 3 pages and if a reading analyses has 4 questions it will be a total of 4 pages which means one question will only be a full page.
NOTE: Each page must be full.
Homework Assignment’s,
I will provide the reading as soon as I can. There are a TOTAL OF 3 TEXTBOOKS WITH A FEW ARTICLES. I will also provide a Dropbox link since I feel like it will be more organized that way.

Reading Analyses
1. Reading analyses are designed to review and enhance your learning of the week’s topic by reading the Assigned Book Chapter(s) and Articles. After reading materials, you need to answer the questions listed in this section.
2. Follow the above guidelines for written assignments. You need to complete your answers in an essay format.
3. You should NOT start with quotes in answering the questions.
4. You must cite page numbers when referring to specific material from the reading.

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11 Reading Analyses
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Written Assignments:
General formatting requirements for all written assignments (i.e., Reading Analyses and Response Paper) include a cover page, page numbering, 1” margins, strict double-spacing, and Times New Roman 12pt. font. All assignments must be written in formal English, with college-level writing mechanics, and APA-style formatting, inclusive of in-text citations and references.
APA guidelines can be found in the American Psychological Association, 6th Edition reference book available at any bookstore. A quick style guide may be found at the OWL Purdue Online Writing Lab.
Written assignments uploaded to the Assignment section of Canvas must be in the following word processing file format: Microsoft Word (*.doc or *.docx).
Professor’s notes:
Key concepts – – – after reading the book chapter, you identify important
points in the chapter. Then you explain what those points are in your own
words (statements rather than bullet points). Each student has different
key points. For example, for Ch. 2 of the Will to Kill book, you may ask
why the U.S. has higher crime rates and incarceration rates in comparison
with other countries. Then you identify and explain the reasons which are
explained in the textbook. You need to find two additional key points (3
key points in total).

For the article, you need to answer the questions which are asked in the
syllabus. The questions for articles and the books are different (see the

11 Reading Analyses

Reading analyses are designed to review and enhance your learning of the week’s topic by reading the Assigned Book Chapter(s) and Articles. After reading materials, you need to answer the questions listed in this section.

Follow the above guidelines for written assignments. You need to complete your answers in an essay format. You must cite page numbers when referring to specific material from the reading.
Assignment Starts here (Numbered 1-11) and due dates are attached as well. The Questions in each assignment are lettered in A,B,C,D. Look for the letters please. Each Reading Analyses are separated by solid lines. Broken lines is to separate the letter questions in each homework assignment.

1) (Reading Analysis #1. 2) (25 points total)
Due on February 9 (Tuesday) at 11:59 p.m.

Ch. 3 (Biological/Biosocial Theories)
Questions A: (1 & 1/2 pages)
After you read the above reading, you need to identify, define, and explain 3 key concepts and/or
principles (in statements).
Ch. 4 (Psychological Theories)
Akers, Sellers, & Jennings (Criminological Theory)
Questions B: (1 & 1/2 pages)
After you read the above reading, you need to identify, define, and explain 3 key concepts and/or
principles (in statements).

2) (Reading Analysis #1. 3) (25 points total)
Due on February 16 (Tuesday) at 11:59 p.m.

Ch. 2 (Deterrence and Rational Choice Theories)
Akers, Sellers, & Jennings (Criminological Theory)

Questions A: (1 & 1/2 pages)
After you read the above reading, you need to identify, define, and explain 3 key concepts and/or principles (in statements).

• Gül, Serdar Kenan (2009). An Evaluation of the Rational Choice Theory in Criminology. (GRU [Girne American University] J. of Soc. & Appl. Sci., 4 (8), 36-44.

Questions B: (1 & 1/2 pages)
(A) After reading the above article, evaluate how the Rational Choice Theory may work better with some types of crimes or criminals than with others (white-collar criminals vs. street criminals). Answer the question by referring to eight points of fundamentals of the Rational Choice Theory included in the article (p. 37).

3) (Reading Analysis #1. 4) (25 points total)
Due on February 23 (Tuesday) at 11:59 p.m.

Ch. 5 (Social Learning Theory)
Akers, Sellers, & Jennings (Criminological Theory)

Questions A: (1 & 1/2 pages)
After you read the above reading, you need to identify, define, and explain 3 key concepts and/or
principles (in statements).

• Miller, H.V., Jennings, W.S., Alvarez-Rivera, L.L. & Miller, J.M. (2008). Explaining Substance Use Among Puerto Rican Adolescents: A Partial Test of Social Learning Theory. Journal of Drug Issues, 38 (1), 261-283.

‘Questions B: (1 & 1/2 pages)
(a) After reading the above article, briefly define several important concepts included in the article.
(b) In two to three sentences, explain what the authors are trying to get across.
(c) What did the authors find?

4) (Reading Analysis #1. 5) (25 points total)
Due on March 2 (Tuesday) at 11:59 p.m.

Ch. 6 (Social Bonding and Control Theories)
Akers, Sellers, & Jennings (Criminological Theory)

Questions A: ( 1 & 1/2 pages)
After you read the above reading, you need to identify, define, and explain 3 key concepts and/or
principles (in statements).

• Morris, R.G. & Higgins, G. E. (2009). Neutralizing Potential and Self-Reported Digital Piracy: A Multitheoretical Exploration among College Undergraduates. Criminal Justice Review, 34 (2), 173-195.

Questions B: (1 &1/2 pages)
(a) After reading the above article, briefly define several important concepts included in the article.
(b) In two to three sentences, explain what the authors are trying to get across.
(c) What did the authors find?


5) (Reading Analysis #1.6) (25 points total)
Due on March 9 (Tuesday) at 11:59 p.m.

Ch. 7 (Labeling and Reintegrative Shaming Theory)
Akers, Sellers, & Jennings (Criminological Theory)

Questions A: (1 & 1/2 pages)
After you read the above reading, you need to identify, define, and explain 3 key concepts and/or
principles (in statements).

• Adams, M.S., Robertson, C.T., Gray-Ray, P. & Ray, M.C. (2003). Labeling and Delinquency. Adolescence, 38 (149), 171-186.

Questions B: ( 1 & 1/2 pages)
(a) After reading the above article, briefly define several important concepts included in the article.
(b) In two to three sentences, explain what the authors are trying to get across.
(c) What did the authors find? Examine which labeling, informal (i.e., teacher, family, and peer) or formal
labeling, was a source of negative labeling for which type of delinquency?

• Chambliss, W. J. (1972) The Saints and the Roughnecks.

Questions C: (1 full page)
After reading the above article, answer the following questions.
(a) Why were the Saints seen as good boys and the Roughnecks seen as bad boys?
(b) The conventional wisdom is that criminals are different from noncriminals, that bad things are done by bad
people. To what extent does the information presented in Chambliss’ article contradict the conventional wisdom?
(c) In what specific way did differences in social class (for example, economic resources and cultural capital) contribute to the community’s different treatment of and regard for the Saints and the Roughnecks?

6) Reading Analysis #1. 7) (25 points total)
Due on March 16 (Tuesday) at 11:59 p.m.

Ch. 8 (Social Disorganization Theory)
Akers, Sellers, & Jennings (Criminological Theory)

Questions A: ( 1 & 1/2 pages)
After you read the above reading, you need to identify, define, and explain 3 key concepts and/or principles (in statements).

– – – – – – – – – – – – – – – – – – – – – – – – – –

• Edwards, Katie M., Mattingly, Marybeth J., Dixon, Kristiana J., and Banyard Victoria L. (2014). Community Matters: Intimate Partner Violence Among Rural Young Adults. American Journal of Community Psychology, 53, 198-207.

Questions B: (1 & 1/2 pages)
(a) After reading the above article, briefly define several important concepts included in the article.
(b) In two to three sentences, explain what the authors are trying to get across.
(c) What did the authors find?
(d) Why was collective efficacy unrelated to woman’s IPV perpetration and victimization?
(e) Why were frequencies of IPV by stander intervention increased, as collective efficacy increased?

7) (Reading Analysis #1. 8) (25 points total)
Due on April 6 (Tuesday) at 11:59 p.m.

Ch. 9 (Anomie and Strain Theories)
Akers, Sellers, & Jennings (Criminological Theory)

Questions; (about 2 pages)

After you read the above reading, you need to identify, define, and explain 3 key concepts and/or principles (in statements).


8) (Reading Analysis #1. 9) (25 points total)
Due on April 13 (Tuesday) at 11:59 p.m.

Ch. 11 (Marxist Theories)
Akers, Sellers, & Jennings (Criminological Theory)

Questions A: (1 & 1/2 pages)
After you read the above reading, you need to identify, define, and explain 3 key concepts and/or principles (in statements).

– – – – – – – – – – – – – – – – – – – – – – – – – –

• Herbert, Bob (1995). “Central American Free Trade Zones Exploit Girls” (excerpted) shown in The New York Times, July 26. Retrieved from http://pangaea.org/street_children/latin/maquil.htm

Questions B: ( 1 & 1/2 pages)
After reading the above article, answer the following questions.
(a) Apply the following concepts to the article: two-economic groups, means of production, alienation, reserved army of labor, surplus labor,, surplus profit, class consciousness, class conflict, revolution, etc.
(b) If capitalism is the cause of crime, how do you explain crime in a socialist society?

Note: Under capitalism, individuals are free to purchase and own their own homes, cars, etc. and live where they want. Under socialism, the whole community collectively owns and controls property, goods, and production.


9) (Reading Analysis #1. 10) (25 points total)
Due on April 20 (Tuesday) at 11:59 p.m.

Ch. 13 (Feminist Theories)
Akers, Sellers, & Jennings (Criminological Theory)

Questions A: (1 & 1/2 pages)
After you read the above reading, you need to identify, define, and explain 3 key concepts and/or principles (in statements).

– – – – – – – – – – – – – – – – – – – – – – – – – –

• Scelfo, Julie (2005). “Bad Girls Go Wild: A rise in girl-on-girl violence is making headlines nationwide and prompting scientists to ask why.” Newsweek, June 13.
Retrieved from http://www.fisheaters.com/forums/index.php?topic=482521.0

Questions B: (about 1 page)
After reading the above article, answer the following questions.
(a) What is the author’s argument?’
(b) How has the women’s liberation movement contributed to a rise in girl-on-girl violence, if any contribution?
(B) Discuss this question in relation to Rita Simon’s Opportunity Hypothesis (see the criminological Theories
textbook on p.270).
(c) How does Frieda Adler’s Masculine Hypothesis (See the Criminological Theories textbook on pp. 269 – 270) explain a rise in girl-on-girl violence?

• Britt, Robert Roy (2006). “Girls Gone Bad: Statistics Distort the Truth.” April 10.
Retrieved from http://www.livescience.com/4048-girls-bad-statistics-distort-truth.html

Questions C: (about 1 page)
(a) What is the author’s counterargument to Scelfo’s argument?
(b) How does the author explain the increase in female arrests?
(c) How does Meda Chesney-Lind explain the rise in arrests for females in the article?
• Reckdenwald, A. & Parker, K.F. (2008). The Influence of Gender Inequality and marginalization on Types of Female Offending. Homicide Studies, 12, 2, 208-226.

Questions D: (1 & 1/2 pages)
(a) What did the authors try to find out in this article?
(b) What types of crimes did the authors include to test in the article? Why did they choose these crimes?
(c) Explain the economic marginalization hypothesis.
(d) Which questions (variables) of Gender Inequality were related to which crimes (crimes were defined in #2)?
(e) Which questions (variables) of Economic Marginalization were related to which crimes (crimes were
defined in #2)?
(f) Present short summary of the authors’ findings related to gender inequality and economic marginalization.

10) (Reading Analysis #1. 11) (25 points total)
Due on April 27 (Tuesday) at 11:59 p.m.

• Kidd, Scott T. & Meyer, Cheryl L. (2002). A Comparison of Fatal School Shootings in Rural Communities. Journal of Rural Community Psychology, 5,1.

Questions A: ( 1 & 1/2 pages)
After reading the above article, answer the following questions.
(a) Crack cocaine and gang violence occurred in minority neighborhoods in inner-city communities. Why did
school shootings occur in suburban/rural communities? Discuss Kidd and Meter’s points discussed in the
above article.
(b) Present a profile of the multiple-victim school shootings offender in rural and small town communities
described by Kidd and Meyer.

Ch. 1 (Crime Control in America: Nothing Succeeds Like Failure)
Reiman & Leighton (The Rich Get Richer and the Poor Get Prison)

Questions B: (1 & 1/2 pages)
After you read the above reading, you need to identify, define, and explain 3 key concepts and/or principles (in statements). You also discuss the Pyrrhic defeat theory included in this reading.

Ch. 2 (A Crime by Any Other Name . . .)
Reiman & Leighton (The Rich Get Richer and the Poor Get Prison)

Questions C: (1 & 1/2 pages)
After you read the above reading, you need to identify, define, and explain 3 key concepts and/or principles (in statements).


11) (Reading Analysis #1. 12) (25 points total)
Due on May 4 (Tuesday) at 11:59 p.m.
Ch. 3 (. . . And the Poor Get Prison)
Reiman & Leighton (The Rich Get Richer and the Poor Get Prison)

Questions A: (1 & 1/2 pages)
After you read the above reading, you need to identify, define, and explain 3 key concepts and/or principles (in statements).
Ch. 4 (To the Vanquished Belong the Spoils: Who is Winning the Losing War Against Crime?) Reiman & Leighton (The Rich Get Richer and the Poor Get Prison)

Questions B: ( 1 & 1/2 pages)
After you read the above reading, you need to identify, define, and explain 3 key concepts and/or principles (in statements). You also discuss the Pyrrhic defeat theory included in this reading.

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