Targeting Catheter Associated Urinary Tract infections in a Trauma Population: A 5-S B

Evidence Base Practice project: Finding the evidence, must include the development of pico question and follows the initial step if IOWA model. The assignment topic is the article I chose. My PICO question is as follows
P- Catheter associated urinary tract infections in a trauma population
I- Implementation of CAUTI 5-S bundle ( staff, stabilization, support, spot, and stop) for adult trauma patients.
C- comparison of CAUTI amongst regular adult patients vs. adult trauma patients from 2014-2017
O- Reducing the amount of catheter associated urinary tract infections by using prevention strategies for both patient and the health care team
T- Between January 2014- December 2017

PICOT question: When targeting catheter associated urinary tract infections(P), what is the effect of implementing a acute 5-S bundle(I), when comparing non trauma patients vs trauma patients(C) in order to decrease incidences from the years 2014-2017

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Targeting Catheter Associated Urinary Tract infections in a Trauma Population: A 5-S B
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Evidence Based Practice Project:Finding the Evidence
Evidence Based Practice Project:Finding the Evidence
Criteria Ratings Its
This criterion is linked to a Learning Outcome Initial PICO question completed / nursing research article selected.
5.0 to >3.0 pts
Research article is a quantitative article, nursing focused, and is 5 years or less from current publication date. Please note: if you forget to upload your nursing quantitative research article, a 5 point penalty will be applied to your paper
3.0 to >2.0 pts
Research article is a quantitative article that is nursing focused but is greater than 5 years old.
2.0 to >0 pts
Needs Improvement
Research article is not nursing focused or is a qualitative article, systematic review, meta-synthesis, meta-analysis, meta-summary, integrative review, clinical information article or “how-to” article. No article uploaded.
5.0 pts
This criterion is linked to a Learning Outcome Opening Paragraph(Paragraph #1)
10.0 to >8.0 pts
Introduction statement(s) present. PICO question with all elements present. Statement of importance with two facts such as costs, morbidity, mortality, safety. Include related statistics with citation and is 5 years or less from current publication date.
8.0 to >3.0 pts
No introduction statement(s). PICO statement is incomplete. Statement of importance incomplete or missing. Citation is incomplete or missing.
3.0 to >0 pts
Needs Improvement
No introduction statement(s). PICO statement grossly incomplete or missing. Statement of importance missing. No citation
10.0 pts
This criterion is linked to a Learning Outcome Summary paragraph for your nursing quantitative research article. (Paragraph #2)
10.0 to >8.0 pts
Three facts clearly identified from quantitative nursing research article and is 5 years or less from current publication date. At least two of the facts include information from Results and/or Discussion sections. Facts clearly tied to PICO question. Facts connected to your nursing practice.
8.0 to >3.0 pts
Less than three facts clearly identified from quantitative nursing research article. Facts not clearly tied to PICO question. Only one fact includes results or discusion sections. Facts not clearly tied to the PICO question. Facts not clearly connected to your nursing practice.
3.0 to >0 pts
Needs Improvement
No facts clearly identified from the article. No facts from the results or discussion sections. No attempt to connect facts from the article back to the PICO question. No attempt to connect facts from the article back to your nursing practice.
10.0 pts
This criterion is linked to a Learning Outcome Reliability paragraph for your nursing quantitative research article.(Paragraph #3)
10.0 to >8.0 pts
Definition of reliability offered with citation. Discussion of reliability clearly connected to data collection or measurement methods with examples from the student’s research article. Type of reliability is identified and named.
8.0 to >3.0 pts
Vague or no definition of reliability. Minimal reference to data collection or measurement methods in discussion of reliability with no reference to specific information from the student’s article. Type of reliability is not clearly identified/ named.
3.0 to >0 pts
Needs Improvement
Vague statements about reliability made with no discussion of data collection or measurement methods offered. Type of reliability is not identified/ named.
10.0 pts
This criterion is linked to a Learning Outcome Validity paragraph for your nursing quantitative research article. (Paragraph #4)
10.0 to >8.0 pts
Definition of validity offered with citation. Discussion of validity clearly connected to research design, data collection, or measurement methods with examples from the student’s research article. Type of validity is identified and named.
8.0 to >3.0 pts
Vague or no definition of validity. Minimal reference to research design, data collection, or measurement methods in discussion of validity with no reference to specific information from the student’s article. Type of validity is not clearly identified/ named
3.0 to >0 pts
Needs Improvement
Vague statements about validity made with no discussion of data collection or measurement methods offered. Type of validity is not identified/ named.
10.0 pts
This criterion is linked to a Learning Outcome Two additional strengths or weaknesses from your nursing quantitative research article. (Paragraph #5)
10.0 to >8.0 pts
Two strengths or two weaknesses or one strength and one weakness are specifically identified from your nursing quantitative research article. The student choices for strengths / weaknesses must focus on the methods used by the authors for sampling, measurement methods used (ex. a questionnaire), or how the data was collected (data collection) with examples from the student’s research article. Do not use the reliability / validity strengths or weaknesses used in those sections of the paper.
8.0 to >3.0 pts
Only one strength / or weakness explained well with second strength / weakness only identified. Strengths / weaknesses not based on sample, measurement methods, or data collection. Include information about reliability /validity from previous sections.
3.0 to >0 pts
Needs Improvement
Strength / weaknesses identified are not based on these three critique skills. No strengths / weaknesses identified.
10.0 pts
This criterion is linked to a Learning Outcome Clinical practice guideline summary.(Paragraph #6)
10.0 to >8.0 pts
Name and specific website of the clinical practice guideline and specific website identified. Guideline is the most recent version or published within the past five years. Three facts clearly identified that were found within the guideline and relate to the practice of a BSN. Facts clearly tied to PICO question. Facts connected to your nursing practice.
8.0 to >3.0 pts
Name of the clinical practice guideline or website not clearly identified. Fewer than three facts clearly identified that were found within the guideline or facts not specifically related to the practice of the nurse. Facts vaguely tied to PICO question. Facts vaguely connected to your nursing practice.
3.0 to >0 pts
Needs Improvement
Name of the clinical practice guideline or website not stated. No clearly identified facts from the guideline. Facts not tied to PICO question or nursing practice.
10.0 pts
This criterion is linked to a Learning Outcome “Fourth resource” summary.(Paragraph #7)
10.0 to >8.0 pts
Three facts clearly identified from the fourth resource which is 5 years or less from current publication date. Facts clearly tied to PICO question. Facts connected to your nursing practice.
8.0 to >3.0 pts
Less than three facts clearly identified from the fourth resource. Facts not clearly tied to PICO question. Facts not clearly connected your nursing practice.
3.0 to >0 pts
Needs Improvement
No facts clearly identified from the fourth resource. No attempt to connect facts from the fourth resource back to the PICO question. No attempt to connect facts from the fourth resource back to your nursing practice.
10.0 pts
This criterion is linked to a Learning Outcome Closing Paragraph(s)(Paragraph #8, and #9 if needed)
10.0 to >8.0 pts
PICO question is restated. A summary of what was learned (from all sources) is present. Sources are cited. Recommendations for practice are offered.
8.0 to >3.0 pts
Missing one or more of the following elements: PICO question. A summary of what was learned. Recommendations for practice.
3.0 to >0 pts
Needs Improvement
No PICO question. Poor or no attempt to summarize information from the resources. No / vague recommendations for practice are offered.
10.0 pts
This criterion is linked to a Learning Outcome APA Style and Formatting
15.0 to >0.0 pts
APA formatting for this paper will follow the guidelines for general formatting, in text-citations, margins, headings (if desired) alignment and line spacing, font type and size, paragraph indentation, page headers, and the reference page as explained in the 2nd edition of APA the Easy Way or the 6th edition of the APA Manual. Helpful Hints: • Do not use 1st person in a formal paper. • Do not use direct quotes, instead summarize and paraphrase what you are reading. Multiple quotes (more than two) will receive multiple point deductions. These deductions are separate from the 15 points for APA. In other words, there is no limit to the number of points that can be deducted for excess direct quotes. • Please do not forget to use the approved CONHI cover page. • Check your references format before submitting your paper. A ten-point deduction will be applied to your paper if the References page is omitted. The first time an APA error is discovered, it will be pointed out to you and a point will be deducted from your paper. Maximum number of points deducted for APA errors: 15 points
0.0 pts
Needs Improvement
APA formatting for this paper will follow the guidelines for general formatting, in text-citations, margins, headings (if desired) alignment and line spacing, font type and size, paragraph indentation, page headers, and the reference page as explained in the 2nd edition of APA the Easy Way or the 6th edition of the APA Manual. Helpful Hints: • Do not use 1st person in a formal paper. • Do not use direct quotes, instead summarize and paraphrase what you are reading. Multiple quotes (more than two) will receive multiple point deductions. These deductions are separate from the 15 points for APA. In other words, there is no limit to the number of points that can be deducted for excess direct quotes. • Please do not forget to use the approved CONHI cover page. The first time an APA error is discovered, it will be pointed out to you and a point will be deducted from your paper. Maximum number of points deducted for APA errors: 15 points
0.0 pts
APA formatting for this paper will follow the guidelines for general formatting, in text-citations, margins, headings (if desired) alignment and line spacing, font type and size, paragraph indentation, page headers, and the reference page as explained in the 2nd edition of APA the Easy Way or the 6th edition of the APA Manual. Helpful Hints: • Do not use 1st person in a formal paper. • Do not use direct quotes, instead summarize and paraphrase what you are reading. Multiple quotes (more than two) will receive multiple point deductions. These deductions are separate from the 15 points for APA. In other words, there is no limit to the number of points that can be deducted for excess direct quotes. • Please do not forget to use the approved CONHI cover page. The first time an APA error is discovered, it will be pointed out to you and a point will be deducted from your paper. Maximum number of points deducted for APA errors: 15 points
15.0 pts
This criterion is linked to a Learning Outcome Excessive Direct Quotes
0.0 pts
More Than Two Direct Quotes
Five points will be deducted for each direct quote in excess of two.
0.0 pts
No More Than Two Direct Quotes
0.0 pts
Total Points: 100.0
Previous Next
Evidence Based Practice Project:Finding the Evidence
Evidence Based Practice Project:Finding the Evidence
Criteria Ratings Pts
This criterion is linked to a Learning Outcome Initial PICO question completed / nursing research article selected.
5.0 to >3.0 pts
Research article is a quantitative article, nursing focused, and is 5 years or less from current publication date. Please note: if you forget to upload your nursing quantitative research article, a 5 point penalty will be applied to your paper
3.0 to >2.0 pts
Research article is a quantitative article that is nursing focused but is greater than 5 years old.
2.0 to >0 pts
Needs Improvement
Research article is not nursing focused or is a qualitative article, systematic review, meta-synthesis, meta-analysis, meta-summary, integrative review, clinical information article or “how-to” article. No article uploaded.
5.0 pts
This criterion is linked to a Learning Outcome Opening Paragraph(Paragraph #1)
10.0 to >8.0 pts
Introduction statement(s) present. PICO question with all elements present. Statement of importance with two facts such as costs, morbidity, mortality, safety. Include related statistics with citation and is 5 years or less from current publication date.
8.0 to >3.0 pts
No introduction statement(s). PICO statement is incomplete. Statement of importance incomplete or missing. Citation is incomplete or missing.
3.0 to >0 pts
Needs Improvement
No introduction statement(s). PICO statement grossly incomplete or missing. Statement of importance missing. No citation
10.0 pts
This criterion is linked to a Learning Outcome Summary paragraph for your nursing quantitative research article. (Paragraph #2)
10.0 to >8.0 pts
Three facts clearly identified from quantitative nursing research article and is 5 years or less from current publication date. At least two of the facts include information from Results and/or Discussion sections. Facts clearly tied to PICO question. Facts connected to your nursing practice.
8.0 to >3.0 pts
Less than three facts clearly identified from quantitative nursing research article. Facts not clearly tied to PICO question. Only one fact includes results or discusion sections. Facts not clearly tied to the PICO question. Facts not clearly connected to your nursing practice.
3.0 to >0 pts
Needs Improvement
No facts clearly identified from the article. No facts from the results or discussion sections. No attempt to connect facts from the article back to the PICO question. No attempt to connect facts from the article back to your nursing practice.
10.0 pts
This criterion is linked to a Learning Outcome Reliability paragraph for your nursing quantitative research article.(Paragraph #3)
10.0 to >8.0 pts
Definition of reliability offered with citation. Discussion of reliability clearly connected to data collection or measurement methods with examples from the student’s research article. Type of reliability is identified and named.
8.0 to >3.0 pts
Vague or no definition of reliability. Minimal reference to data collection or measurement methods in discussion of reliability with no reference to specific information from the student’s article. Type of reliability is not clearly identified/ named.
3.0 to >0 pts
Needs Improvement
Vague statements about reliability made with no discussion of data collection or measurement methods offered. Type of reliability is not identified/ named.
10.0 pts
This criterion is linked to a Learning Outcome Validity paragraph for your nursing quantitative research article. (Paragraph #4)
10.0 to >8.0 pts
Definition of validity offered with citation. Discussion of validity clearly connected to research design, data collection, or measurement methods with examples from the student’s research article. Type of validity is identified and named.
8.0 to >3.0 pts
Vague or no definition of validity. Minimal reference to research design, data collection, or measurement methods in discussion of validity with no reference to specific information from the student’s article. Type of validity is not clearly identified/ named
3.0 to >0 pts
Needs Improvement
Vague statements about validity made with no discussion of data collection or measurement methods offered. Type of validity is not identified/ named.
10.0 pts
This criterion is linked to a Learning Outcome Two additional strengths or weaknesses from your nursing quantitative research article. (Paragraph #5)
10.0 to >8.0 pts
Two strengths or two weaknesses or one strength and one weakness are specifically identified from your nursing quantitative research article. The student choices for strengths / weaknesses must focus on the methods used by the authors for sampling, measurement methods used (ex. a questionnaire), or how the data was collected (data collection) with examples from the student’s research article. Do not use the reliability / validity strengths or weaknesses used in those sections of the paper.
8.0 to >3.0 pts
Only one strength / or weakness explained well with second strength / weakness only identified. Strengths / weaknesses not based on sample, measurement methods, or data collection. Include information about reliability /validity from previous sections.
3.0 to >0 pts
Needs Improvement
Strength / weaknesses identified are not based on these three critique skills. No strengths / weaknesses identified.
10.0 pts
This criterion is linked to a Learning Outcome Clinical practice guideline summary.(Paragraph #6)
10.0 to >8.0 pts
Name and specific website of the clinical practice guideline and specific website identified. Guideline is the most recent version or published within the past five years. Three facts clearly identified that were found within the guideline and relate to the practice of a BSN. Facts clearly tied to PICO question. Facts connected to your nursing practice.
8.0 to >3.0 pts
Name of the clinical practice guideline or website not clearly identified. Fewer than three facts clearly identified that were found within the guideline or facts not specifically related to the practice of the nurse. Facts vaguely tied to PICO question. Facts vaguely connected to your nursing practice.
3.0 to >0 pts
Needs Improvement
Name of the clinical practice guideline or website not stated. No clearly identified facts from the guideline. Facts not tied to PICO question or nursing practice.
10.0 pts
This criterion is linked to a Learning Outcome “Fourth resource” summary.(Paragraph #7)
10.0 to >8.0 pts
Three facts clearly identified from the fourth resource which is 5 years or less from current publication date. Facts clearly tied to PICO question. Facts connected to your nursing practice.
8.0 to >3.0 pts
Less than three facts clearly identified from the fourth resource. Facts not clearly tied to PICO question. Facts not clearly connected your nursing practice.
3.0 to >0 pts
Needs Improvement
No facts clearly identified from the fourth resource. No attempt to connect facts from the fourth resource back to the PICO question. No attempt to connect facts from the fourth resource back to your nursing practice.
10.0 pts
This criterion is linked to a Learning Outcome Closing Paragraph(s)(Paragraph #8, and #9 if needed)
10.0 to >8.0 pts
PICO question is restated. A summary of what was learned (from all sources) is present. Sources are cited. Recommendations for practice are offered.
8.0 to >3.0 pts
Missing one or more of the following elements: PICO question. A summary of what was learned. Recommendations for practice.
3.0 to >0 pts
Needs Improvement
No PICO question. Poor or no attempt to summarize information from the resources. No / vague recommendations for practice are offered.
10.0 pts
This criterion is linked to a Learning Outcome APA Style and Formatting
15.0 to >0.0 pts
APA formatting for this paper will follow the guidelines for general formatting, in text-citations, margins, headings (if desired) alignment and line spacing, font type and size, paragraph indentation, page headers, and the reference page as explained in the 2nd edition of APA the Easy Way or the 6th edition of the APA Manual. Helpful Hints: • Do not use 1st person in a formal paper. • Do not use direct quotes, instead summarize and paraphrase what you are reading. Multiple quotes (more than two) will receive multiple point deductions. These deductions are separate from the 15 points for APA. In other words, there is no limit to the number of points that can be deducted for excess direct quotes. • Please do not forget to use the approved CONHI cover page. • Check your references format before submitting your paper. A ten-point deduction will be applied to your paper if the References page is omitted. The first time an APA error is discovered, it will be pointed out to you and a point will be deducted from your paper. Maximum number of points deducted for APA errors: 15 points
0.0 pts
Needs Improvement
APA formatting for this paper will follow the guidelines for general formatting, in text-citations, margins, headings (if desired) alignment and line spacing, font type and size, paragraph indentation, page headers, and the reference page as explained in the 2nd edition of APA the Easy Way or the 6th edition of the APA Manual. Helpful Hints: • Do not use 1st person in a formal paper. • Do not use direct quotes, instead summarize and paraphrase what you are reading. Multiple quotes (more than two) will receive multiple point deductions. These deductions are separate from the 15 points for APA. In other words, there is no limit to the number of points that can be deducted for excess direct quotes. • Please do not forget to use the approved CONHI cover page. The first time an APA error is discovered, it will be pointed out to you and a point will be deducted from your paper. Maximum number of points deducted for APA errors: 15 points
0.0 pts
APA formatting for this paper will follow the guidelines for general formatting, in text-citations, margins, headings (if desired) alignment and line spacing, font type and size, paragraph indentation, page headers, and the reference page as explained in the 2nd edition of APA the Easy Way or the 6th edition of the APA Manual. Helpful Hints: • Do not use 1st person in a formal paper. • Do not use direct quotes, instead summarize and paraphrase what you are reading. Multiple quotes (more than two) will receive multiple point deductions. These deductions are separate from the 15 points for APA. In other words, there is no limit to the number of points that can be deducted for excess direct quotes. • Please do not forget to use the approved CONHI cover page. The first time an APA error is discovered, it will be pointed out to you and a point will be deducted from your paper. Maximum number of points deducted for APA errors: 15 points
15.0 pts
This criterion is linked to a Learning Outcome Excessive Direct Quotes
0.0 pts
More Than Two Direct Quotes
Five points will be deducted for each direct quote in excess of two.
0.0 pts
No More Than Two Direct Quotes
0.0 pts
Total Points: 100.0
Previous Next
Evidence Based Practice Project:Finding the Evidence
Evidence Based Practice Project:Finding the Evidence
Criteria Ratings Pts
This criterion is linked to a Learning Outcome Initial PICO question completed / nursing research article selected.
5.0 to >3.0 pts
Research article is a quantitative article, nursing focused, and is 5 years or less from current publication date. Please note: if you forget to upload your nursing quantitative research article, a 5 point penalty will be applied to your paper
3.0 to >2.0 pts
Research article is a quantitative article that is nursing focused but is greater than 5 years old.
2.0 to >0 pts
Needs Improvement
Research article is not nursing focused or is a qualitative article, systematic review, meta-synthesis, meta-analysis, meta-summary, integrative review, clinical information article or “how-to” article. No article uploaded.
5.0 pts
This criterion is linked to a Learning Outcome Opening Paragraph(Paragraph #1)
10.0 to >8.0 pts
Introduction statement(s) present. PICO question with all elements present. Statement of importance with two facts such as costs, morbidity, mortality, safety. Include related statistics with citation and is 5 years or less from current publication date.
8.0 to >3.0 pts
No introduction statement(s). PICO statement is incomplete. Statement of importance incomplete or missing. Citation is incomplete or missing.
3.0 to >0 pts
Needs Improvement
No introduction statement(s). PICO statement grossly incomplete or missing. Statement of importance missing. No citation
10.0 pts
This criterion is linked to a Learning Outcome Summary paragraph for your nursing quantitative research article. (Paragraph #2)
10.0 to >8.0 pts
Three facts clearly identified from quantitative nursing research article and is 5 years or less from current publication date. At least two of the facts include information from Results and/or Discussion sections. Facts clearly tied to PICO question. Facts connected to your nursing practice.
8.0 to >3.0 pts
Less than three facts clearly identified from quantitative nursing research article. Facts not clearly tied to PICO question. Only one fact includes results or discusion sections. Facts not clearly tied to the PICO question. Facts not clearly connected to your nursing practice.
3.0 to >0 pts
Needs Improvement
No facts clearly identified from the article. No facts from the results or discussion sections. No attempt to connect facts from the article back to the PICO question. No attempt to connect facts from the article back to your nursing practice.
10.0 pts
This criterion is linked to a Learning Outcome Reliability paragraph for your nursing quantitative research article.(Paragraph #3)
10.0 to >8.0 pts
Definition of reliability offered with citation. Discussion of reliability clearly connected to data collection or measurement methods with examples from the student’s research article. Type of reliability is identified and named.
8.0 to >3.0 pts
Vague or no definition of reliability. Minimal reference to data collection or measurement methods in discussion of reliability with no reference to specific information from the student’s article. Type of reliability is not clearly identified/ named.
3.0 to >0 pts
Needs Improvement
Vague statements about reliability made with no discussion of data collection or measurement methods offered. Type of reliability is not identified/ named.
10.0 pts
This criterion is linked to a Learning Outcome Validity paragraph for your nursing quantitative research article. (Paragraph #4)
10.0 to >8.0 pts
Definition of validity offered with citation. Discussion of validity clearly connected to research design, data collection, or measurement methods with examples from the student’s research article. Type of validity is identified and named.
8.0 to >3.0 pts
Vague or no definition of validity. Minimal reference to research design, data collection, or measurement methods in discussion of validity with no reference to specific information from the student’s article. Type of validity is not clearly identified/ named
3.0 to >0 pts
Needs Improvement
Vague statements about validity made with no discussion of data collection or measurement methods offered. Type of validity is not identified/ named.
10.0 pts
This criterion is linked to a Learning Outcome Two additional strengths or weaknesses from your nursing quantitative research article. (Paragraph #5)
10.0 to >8.0 pts
Two strengths or two weaknesses or one strength and one weakness are specifically identified from your nursing quantitative research article. The student choices for strengths / weaknesses must focus on the methods used by the authors for sampling, measurement methods used (ex. a questionnaire), or how the data was collected (data collection) with examples from the student’s research article. Do not use the reliability / validity strengths or weaknesses used in those sections of the paper.
8.0 to >3.0 pts
Only one strength / or weakness explained well with second strength / weakness only identified. Strengths / weaknesses not based on sample, measurement methods, or data collection. Include information about reliability /validity from previous sections.
3.0 to >0 pts
Needs Improvement
Strength / weaknesses identified are not based on these three critique skills. No strengths / weaknesses identified.
10.0 pts
This criterion is linked to a Learning Outcome Clinical practice guideline summary.(Paragraph #6)
10.0 to >8.0 pts
Name and specific website of the clinical practice guideline and specific website identified. Guideline is the most recent version or published within the past five years. Three facts clearly identified that were found within the guideline and relate to the practice of a BSN. Facts clearly tied to PICO question. Facts connected to your nursing practice.
8.0 to >3.0 pts
Name of the clinical practice guideline or website not clearly identified. Fewer than three facts clearly identified that were found within the guideline or facts not specifically related to the practice of the nurse. Facts vaguely tied to PICO question. Facts vaguely connected to your nursing practice.
3.0 to >0 pts
Needs Improvement
Name of the clinical practice guideline or website not stated. No clearly identified facts from the guideline. Facts not tied to PICO question or nursing practice.
10.0 pts
This criterion is linked to a Learning Outcome “Fourth resource” summary.(Paragraph #7)
10.0 to >8.0 pts
Three facts clearly identified from the fourth resource which is 5 years or less from current publication date. Facts clearly tied to PICO question. Facts connected to your nursing practice.
8.0 to >3.0 pts
Less than three facts clearly identified from the fourth resource. Facts not clearly tied to PICO question. Facts not clearly connected your nursing practice.
3.0 to >0 pts
Needs Improvement
No facts clearly identified from the fourth resource. No attempt to connect facts from the fourth resource back to the PICO question. No attempt to connect facts from the fourth resource back to your nursing practice.
10.0 pts
This criterion is linked to a Learning Outcome Closing Paragraph(s)(Paragraph #8, and #9 if needed)
10.0 to >8.0 pts
PICO question is restated. A summary of what was learned (from all sources) is present. Sources are cited. Recommendations for practice are offered.
8.0 to >3.0 pts
Missing one or more of the following elements: PICO question. A summary of what was learned. Recommendations for practice.
3.0 to >0 pts
Needs Improvement
No PICO question. Poor or no attempt to summarize information from the resources. No / vague recommendations for practice are offered.
10.0 pts
This criterion is linked to a Learning Outcome APA Style and Formatting
15.0 to >0.0 pts
APA formatting for this paper will follow the guidelines for general formatting, in text-citations, margins, headings (if desired) alignment and line spacing, font type and size, paragraph indentation, page headers, and the reference page as explained in the 2nd edition of APA the Easy Way or the 6th edition of the APA Manual. Helpful Hints: • Do not use 1st person in a formal paper. • Do not use direct quotes, instead summarize and paraphrase what you are reading. Multiple quotes (more than two) will receive multiple point deductions. These deductions are separate from the 15 points for APA. In other words, there is no limit to the number of points that can be deducted for excess direct quotes. • Please do not forget to use the approved CONHI cover page. • Check your references format before submitting your paper. A ten-point deduction will be applied to your paper if the References page is omitted. The first time an APA error is discovered, it will be pointed out to you and a point will be deducted from your paper. Maximum number of points deducted for APA errors: 15 points
0.0 pts
Needs Improvement
APA formatting for this paper will follow the guidelines for general formatting, in text-citations, margins, headings (if desired) alignment and line spacing, font type and size, paragraph indentation, page headers, and the reference page as explained in the 2nd edition of APA the Easy Way or the 6th edition of the APA Manual. Helpful Hints: • Do not use 1st person in a formal paper. • Do not use direct quotes, instead summarize and paraphrase what you are reading. Multiple quotes (more than two) will receive multiple point deductions. These deductions are separate from the 15 points for APA. In other words, there is no limit to the number of points that can be deducted for excess direct quotes. • Please do not forget to use the approved CONHI cover page. The first time an APA error is discovered, it will be pointed out to you and a point will be deducted from your paper. Maximum number of points deducted for APA errors: 15 points
0.0 pts
APA formatting for this paper will follow the guidelines for general formatting, in text-citations, margins, headings (if desired) alignment and line spacing, font type and size, paragraph indentation, page headers, and the reference page as explained in the 2nd edition of APA the Easy Way or the 6th edition of the APA Manual. Helpful Hints: • Do not use 1st person in a formal paper. • Do not use direct quotes, instead summarize and paraphrase what you are reading. Multiple quotes (more than two) will receive multiple point deductions. These deductions are separate from the 15 points for APA. In other words, there is no limit to the number of points that can be deducted for excess direct quotes. • Please do not forget to use the approved CONHI cover page. The first time an APA error is discovered, it will be pointed out to you and a point will be deducted from your paper. Maximum number of points deducted for APA errors: 15 points
15.0 pts
This criterion is linked to a Learning Outcome Excessive Direct Quotes
0.0 pts
More Than Two Direct Quotes
Five points will be deducted for each direct quote in excess of two.
0.0 pts
No More Than Two Direct Quotes
0.0 pts
Total Points: 100.0
Previous Next
Evidence Based Practice Project:Finding the Evidence
Evidence Based Practice Project:Finding the Evidence
Criteria Ratings Pts
This criterion is linked to a Learning Outcome Initial PICO question completed / nursing research article selected.
5.0 to >3.0 pts
Research article is a quantitative article, nursing focused, and is 5 years or less from current publication date. Please note: if you forget to upload your nursing quantitative research article, a 5 point penalty will be applied to your paper
3.0 to >2.0 pts
Research article is a quantitative article that is nursing focused but is greater than 5 years old.
2.0 to >0 pts
Needs Improvement
Research article is not nursing focused or is a qualitative article, systematic review, meta-synthesis, meta-analysis, meta-summary, integrative review, clinical information article or “how-to” article. No article uploaded.
5.0 pts
This criterion is linked to a Learning Outcome Opening Paragraph(Paragraph #1)
10.0 to >8.0 pts
Introduction statement(s) present. PICO question with all elements present. Statement of importance with two facts such as costs, morbidity, mortality, safety. Include related statistics with citation and is 5 years or less from current publication date.
8.0 to >3.0 pts
No introduction statement(s). PICO statement is incomplete. Statement of importance incomplete or missing. Citation is incomplete or missing.
3.0 to >0 pts
Needs Improvement
No introduction statement(s). PICO statement grossly incomplete or missing. Statement of importance missing. No citation
10.0 pts
This criterion is linked to a Learning Outcome Summary paragraph for your nursing quantitative research article. (Paragraph #2)
10.0 to >8.0 pts
Three facts clearly identified from quantitative nursing research article and is 5 years or less from current publication date. At least two of the facts include information from Results and/or Discussion sections. Facts clearly tied to PICO question. Facts connected to your nursing practice.
8.0 to >3.0 pts
Less than three facts clearly identified from quantitative nursing research article. Facts not clearly tied to PICO question. Only one fact includes results or discusion sections. Facts not clearly tied to the PICO question. Facts not clearly connected to your nursing practice.
3.0 to >0 pts
Needs Improvement
No facts clearly identified from the article. No facts from the results or discussion sections. No attempt to connect facts from the article back to the PICO question. No attempt to connect facts from the article back to your nursing practice.
10.0 pts
This criterion is linked to a Learning Outcome Reliability paragraph for your nursing quantitative research article.(Paragraph #3)
10.0 to >8.0 pts
Definition of reliability offered with citation. Discussion of reliability clearly connected to data collection or measurement methods with examples from the student’s research article. Type of reliability is identified and named.
8.0 to >3.0 pts
Vague or no definition of reliability. Minimal reference to data collection or measurement methods in discussion of reliability with no reference to specific information from the student’s article. Type of reliability is not clearly identified/ named.
3.0 to >0 pts
Needs Improvement
Vague statements about reliability made with no discussion of data collection or measurement methods offered. Type of reliability is not identified/ named.
10.0 pts
This criterion is linked to a Learning Outcome Validity paragraph for your nursing quantitative research article. (Paragraph #4)
10.0 to >8.0 pts
Definition of validity offered with citation. Discussion of validity clearly connected to research design, data collection, or measurement methods with examples from the student’s research article. Type of validity is identified and named.
8.0 to >3.0 pts
Vague or no definition of validity. Minimal reference to research design, data collection, or measurement methods in discussion of validity with no reference to specific information from the student’s article. Type of validity is not clearly identified/ named
3.0 to >0 pts
Needs Improvement
Vague statements about validity made with no discussion of data collection or measurement methods offered. Type of validity is not identified/ named.
10.0 pts
This criterion is linked to a Learning Outcome Two additional strengths or weaknesses from your nursing quantitative research article. (Paragraph #5)
10.0 to >8.0 pts
Two strengths or two weaknesses or one strength and one weakness are specifically identified from your nursing quantitative research article. The student choices for strengths / weaknesses must focus on the methods used by the authors for sampling, measurement methods used (ex. a questionnaire), or how the data was collected (data collection) with examples from the student’s research article. Do not use the reliability / validity strengths or weaknesses used in those sections of the paper.
8.0 to >3.0 pts
Only one strength / or weakness explained well with second strength / weakness only identified. Strengths / weaknesses not based on sample, measurement methods, or data collection. Include information about reliability /validity from previous sections.
3.0 to >0 pts
Needs Improvement
Strength / weaknesses identified are not based on these three critique skills. No strengths / weaknesses identified.
10.0 pts
This criterion is linked to a Learning Outcome Clinical practice guideline summary.(Paragraph #6)
10.0 to >8.0 pts
Name and specific website of the clinical practice guideline and specific website identified. Guideline is the most recent version or published within the past five years. Three facts clearly identified that were found within the guideline and relate to the practice of a BSN. Facts clearly tied to PICO question. Facts connected to your nursing practice.
8.0 to >3.0 pts
Name of the clinical practice guideline or website not clearly identified. Fewer than three facts clearly identified that were found within the guideline or facts not specifically related to the practice of the nurse. Facts vaguely tied to PICO question. Facts vaguely connected to your nursing practice.
3.0 to >0 pts
Needs Improvement
Name of the clinical practice guideline or website not stated. No clearly identified facts from the guideline. Facts not tied to PICO question or nursing practice.
10.0 pts
This criterion is linked to a Learning Outcome “Fourth resource” summary.(Paragraph #7)
10.0 to >8.0 pts
Three facts clearly identified from the fourth resource which is 5 years or less from current publication date. Facts clearly tied to PICO question. Facts connected to your nursing practice.
8.0 to >3.0 pts
Less than three facts clearly identified from the fourth resource. Facts not clearly tied to PICO question. Facts not clearly connected your nursing practice.
3.0 to >0 pts
Needs Improvement
No facts clearly identified from the fourth resource. No attempt to connect facts from the fourth resource back to the PICO question. No attempt to connect facts from the fourth resource back to your nursing practice.
10.0 pts
This criterion is linked to a Learning Outcome Closing Paragraph(s)(Paragraph #8, and #9 if needed)
10.0 to >8.0 pts
PICO question is restated. A summary of what was learned (from all sources) is present. Sources are cited. Recommendations for practice are offered.
8.0 to >3.0 pts
Missing one or more of the following elements: PICO question. A summary of what was learned. Recommendations for practice.
3.0 to >0 pts
Needs Improvement
No PICO question. Poor or no attempt to summarize information from the resources. No / vague recommendations for practice are offered.
10.0 pts
This criterion is linked to a Learning Outcome APA Style and Formatting
15.0 to >0.0 pts
APA formatting for this paper will follow the guidelines for general formatting, in text-citations, margins, headings (if desired) alignment and line spacing, font type and size, paragraph indentation, page headers, and the reference page as explained in the 2nd edition of APA the Easy Way or the 6th edition of the APA Manual. Helpful Hints: • Do not use 1st person in a formal paper. • Do not use direct quotes, instead summarize and paraphrase what you are reading. Multiple quotes (more than two) will receive multiple point deductions. These deductions are separate from the 15 points for APA. In other words, there is no limit to the number of points that can be deducted for excess direct quotes. • Please do not forget to use the approved CONHI cover page. • Check your references format before submitting your paper. A ten-point deduction will be applied to your paper if the References page is omitted. The first time an APA error is discovered, it will be pointed out to you and a point will be deducted from your paper. Maximum number of points deducted for APA errors: 15 points
0.0 pts
Needs Improvement
APA formatting for this paper will follow the guidelines for general formatting, in text-citations, margins, headings (if desired) alignment and line spacing, font type and size, paragraph indentation, page headers, and the reference page as explained in the 2nd edition of APA the Easy Way or the 6th edition of the APA Manual. Helpful Hints: • Do not use 1st person in a formal paper. • Do not use direct quotes, instead summarize and paraphrase what you are reading. Multiple quotes (more than two) will receive multiple point deductions. These deductions are separate from the 15 points for APA. In other words, there is no limit to the number of points that can be deducted for excess direct quotes. • Please do not forget to use the approved CONHI cover page. The first time an APA error is discovered, it will be pointed out to you and a point will be deducted from your paper. Maximum number of points deducted for APA errors: 15 points
0.0 pts
APA formatting for this paper will follow the guidelines for general formatting, in text-citations, margins, headings (if desired) alignment and line spacing, font type and size, paragraph indentation, page headers, and the reference page as explained in the 2nd edition of APA the Easy Way or the 6th edition of the APA Manual. Helpful Hints: • Do not use 1st person in a formal paper. • Do not use direct quotes, instead summarize and paraphrase what you are reading. Multiple quotes (more than two) will receive multiple point deductions. These deductions are separate from the 15 points for APA. In other words, there is no limit to the number of points that can be deducted for excess direct quotes. • Please do not forget to use the approved CONHI cover page. The first time an APA error is discovered, it will be pointed out to you and a point will be deducted from your paper. Maximum number of points deducted for APA errors: 15 points
15.0 pts
This criterion is linked to a Learning Outcome Excessive Direct Quotes
0.0 pts
More Than Two Direct Quotes
Five points will be deducted for each direct quote in excess of two.
0.0 pts
No More Than Two Direct Quotes
0.0 pts
Total Points: 100.0
Previous Next
Evidence Based Practice Project:Finding the Evidence
Evidence Based Practice Project:Finding the Evidence
Criteria Ratings Pts
This criterion is linked to a Learning Outcome Initial PICO question completed / nursing research article selected.
5.0 to >3.0 pts
Research article is a quantitative article, nursing focused, and is 5 years or less from current publication date. Please note: if you forget to upload your nursing quantitative research article, a 5 point penalty will be applied to your paper
3.0 to >2.0 pts
Research article is a quantitative article that is nursing focused but is greater than 5 years old.
2.0 to >0 pts
Needs Improvement
Research article is not nursing focused or is a qualitative article, systematic review, meta-synthesis, meta-analysis, meta-summary, integrative review, clinical information article or “how-to” article. No article uploaded.
5.0 pts
This criterion is linked to a Learning Outcome Opening Paragraph(Paragraph #1)
10.0 to >8.0 pts
Introduction statement(s) present. PICO question with all elements present. Statement of importance with two facts such as costs, morbidity, mortality, safety. Include related statistics with citation and is 5 years or less from current publication date.
8.0 to >3.0 pts
No introduction statement(s). PICO statement is incomplete. Statement of importance incomplete or missing. Citation is incomplete or missing.
3.0 to >0 pts
Needs Improvement
No introduction statement(s). PICO statement grossly incomplete or missing. Statement of importance missing. No citation
10.0 pts
This criterion is linked to a Learning Outcome Summary paragraph for your nursing quantitative research article. (Paragraph #2)
10.0 to >8.0 pts
Three facts clearly identified from quantitative nursing research article and is 5 years or less from current publication date. At least two of the facts include information from Results and/or Discussion sections. Facts clearly tied to PICO question. Facts connected to your nursing practice.
8.0 to >3.0 pts
Less than three facts clearly identified from quantitative nursing research article. Facts not clearly tied to PICO question. Only one fact includes results or discusion sections. Facts not clearly tied to the PICO question. Facts not clearly connected to your nursing practice.
3.0 to >0 pts
Needs Improvement
No facts clearly identified from the article. No facts from the results or discussion sections. No attempt to connect facts from the article back to the PICO question. No attempt to connect facts from the article back to your nursing practice.
10.0 pts
This criterion is linked to a Learning Outcome Reliability paragraph for your nursing quantitative research article.(Paragraph #3)
10.0 to >8.0 pts
Definition of reliability offered with citation. Discussion of reliability clearly connected to data collection or measurement methods with examples from the student’s research article. Type of reliability is identified and named.
8.0 to >3.0 pts
Vague or no definition of reliability. Minimal reference to data collection or measurement methods in discussion of reliability with no reference to specific information from the student’s article. Type of reliability is not clearly identified/ named.
3.0 to >0 pts
Needs Improvement
Vague statements about reliability made with no discussion of data collection or measurement methods offered. Type of reliability is not identified/ named.
10.0 pts
This criterion is linked to a Learning Outcome Validity paragraph for your nursing quantitative research article. (Paragraph #4)
10.0 to >8.0 pts
Definition of validity offered with citation. Discussion of validity clearly connected to research design, data collection, or measurement methods with examples from the student’s research article. Type of validity is identified and named.
8.0 to >3.0 pts
Vague or no definition of validity. Minimal reference to research design, data collection, or measurement methods in discussion of validity with no reference to specific information from the student’s article. Type of validity is not clearly identified/ named
3.0 to >0 pts
Needs Improvement
Vague statements about validity made with no discussion of data collection or measurement methods offered. Type of validity is not identified/ named.
10.0 pts
This criterion is linked to a Learning Outcome Two additional strengths or weaknesses from your nursing quantitative research article. (Paragraph #5)
10.0 to >8.0 pts
Two strengths or two weaknesses or one strength and one weakness are specifically identified from your nursing quantitative research article. The student choices for strengths / weaknesses must focus on the methods used by the authors for sampling, measurement methods used (ex. a questionnaire), or how the data was collected (data collection) with examples from the student’s research article. Do not use the reliability / validity strengths or weaknesses used in those sections of the paper.
8.0 to >3.0 pts
Only one strength / or weakness explained well with second strength / weakness only identified. Strengths / weaknesses not based on sample, measurement methods, or data collection. Include information about reliability /validity from previous sections.
3.0 to >0 pts
Needs Improvement
Strength / weaknesses identified are not based on these three critique skills. No strengths / weaknesses identified.
10.0 pts
This criterion is linked to a Learning Outcome Clinical practice guideline summary.(Paragraph #6)
10.0 to >8.0 pts
Name and specific website of the clinical practice guideline and specific website identified. Guideline is the most recent version or published within the past five years. Three facts clearly identified that were found within the guideline and relate to the practice of a BSN. Facts clearly tied to PICO question. Facts connected to your nursing practice.
8.0 to >3.0 pts
Name of the clinical practice guideline or website not clearly identified. Fewer than three facts clearly identified that were found within the guideline or facts not specifically related to the practice of the nurse. Facts vaguely tied to PICO question. Facts vaguely connected to your nursing practice.
3.0 to >0 pts
Needs Improvement
Name of the clinical practice guideline or website not stated. No clearly identified facts from the guideline. Facts not tied to PICO question or nursing practice.
10.0 pts
This criterion is linked to a Learning Outcome “Fourth resource” summary.(Paragraph #7)
10.0 to >8.0 pts
Three facts clearly identified from the fourth resource which is 5 years or less from current publication date. Facts clearly tied to PICO question. Facts connected to your nursing practice.
8.0 to >3.0 pts
Less than three facts clearly identified from the fourth resource. Facts not clearly tied to PICO question. Facts not clearly connected your nursing practice.
3.0 to >0 pts
Needs Improvement
No facts clearly identified from the fourth resource. No attempt to connect facts from the fourth resource back to the PICO question. No attempt to connect facts from the fourth resource back to your nursing practice.
10.0 pts
This criterion is linked to a Learning Outcome Closing Paragraph(s)(Paragraph #8, and #9 if needed)
10.0 to >8.0 pts
PICO question is restated. A summary of what was learned (from all sources) is present. Sources are cited. Recommendations for practice are offered.
8.0 to >3.0 pts
Missing one or more of the following elements: PICO question. A summary of what was learned. Recommendations for practice.
3.0 to >0 pts
Needs Improvement
No PICO question. Poor or no attempt to summarize information from the resources. No / vague recommendations for practice are offered.
10.0 pts
This criterion is linked to a Learning Outcome APA Style and Formatting
15.0 to >0.0 pts
APA formatting for this paper will follow the guidelines for general formatting, in text-citations, margins, headings (if desired) alignment and line spacing, font type and size, paragraph indentation, page headers, and the reference page as explained in the 2nd edition of APA the Easy Way or the 6th edition of the APA Manual. Helpful Hints: • Do not use 1st person in a formal paper. • Do not use direct quotes, instead summarize and paraphrase what you are reading. Multiple quotes (more than two) will receive multiple point deductions. These deductions are separate from the 15 points for APA. In other words, there is no limit to the number of points that can be deducted for excess direct quotes. • Please do not forget to use the approved CONHI cover page. • Check your references format before submitting your paper. A ten-point deduction will be applied to your paper if the References page is omitted. The first time an APA error is discovered, it will be pointed out to you and a point will be deducted from your paper. Maximum number of points deducted for APA errors: 15 points
0.0 pts
Needs Improvement
APA formatting for this paper will follow the guidelines for general formatting, in text-citations, margins, headings (if desired) alignment and line spacing, font type and size, paragraph indentation, page headers, and the reference page as explained in the 2nd edition of APA the Easy Way or the 6th edition of the APA Manual. Helpful Hints: • Do not use 1st person in a formal paper. • Do not use direct quotes, instead summarize and paraphrase what you are reading. Multiple quotes (more than two) will receive multiple point deductions. These deductions are separate from the 15 points for APA. In other words, there is no limit to the number of points that can be deducted for excess direct quotes. • Please do not forget to use the approved CONHI cover page. The first time an APA error is discovered, it will be pointed out to you and a point will be deducted from your paper. Maximum number of points deducted for APA errors: 15 points
0.0 pts
APA formatting for this paper will follow the guidelines for general formatting, in text-citations, margins, headings (if desired) alignment and line spacing, font type and size, paragraph indentation, page headers, and the reference page as explained in the 2nd edition of APA the Easy Way or the 6th edition of the APA Manual. Helpful Hints: • Do not use 1st person in a formal paper. • Do not use direct quotes, instead summarize and paraphrase what you are reading. Multiple quotes (more than two) will receive multiple point deductions. These deductions are separate from the 15 points for APA. In other words, there is no limit to the number of points that can be deducted for excess direct quotes. • Please do not forget to use the approved CONHI cover page. The first time an APA error is discovered, it will be pointed out to you and a point will be deducted from your paper. Maximum number of points deducted for APA errors: 15 points
15.0 pts
This criterion is linked to a Learning Outcome Excessive Direct Quotes
0.0 pts
More Than Two Direct Quotes
Five points will be deducted for each direct quote in excess of two.
0.0 pts
No More Than Two Direct Quotes
0.0 pts
Total Points: 100.0
Previous Next
Evidence Based Practice Project:Finding the Evidence
Evidence Based Practice Project:Finding the Evidence
Criteria Ratings Pts
This criterion is linked to a Learning Outcome Initial PICO question completed / nursing research article selected.
5.0 to >3.0 pts
Research article is a quantitative article, nursing focused, and is 5 years or less from current publication date. Please note: if you forget to upload your nursing quantitative research article, a 5 point penalty will be applied to your paper
3.0 to >2.0 pts
Research article is a quantitative article that is nursing focused but is greater than 5 years old.
2.0 to >0 pts
Needs Improvement
Research article is not nursing focused or is a qualitative article, systematic review, meta-synthesis, meta-analysis, meta-summary, integrative review, clinical information article or “how-to” article. No article uploaded.
5.0 pts
This criterion is linked to a Learning Outcome Opening Paragraph(Paragraph #1)
10.0 to >8.0 pts
Introduction statement(s) present. PICO question with all elements present. Statement of importance with two facts such as costs, morbidity, mortality, safety. Include related statistics with citation and is 5 years or less from current publication date.
8.0 to >3.0 pts
No introduction statement(s). PICO statement is incomplete. Statement of importance incomplete or missing. Citation is incomplete or missing.
3.0 to >0 pts
Needs Improvement
No introduction statement(s). PICO statement grossly incomplete or missing. Statement of importance missing. No citation
10.0 pts
This criterion is linked to a Learning Outcome Summary paragraph for your nursing quantitative research article. (Paragraph #2)
10.0 to >8.0 pts
Three facts clearly identified from quantitative nursing research article and is 5 years or less from current publication date. At least two of the facts include information from Results and/or Discussion sections. Facts clearly tied to PICO question. Facts connected to your nursing practice.
8.0 to >3.0 pts
Less than three facts clearly identified from quantitative nursing research article. Facts not clearly tied to PICO question. Only one fact includes results or discusion sections. Facts not clearly tied to the PICO question. Facts not clearly connected to your nursing practice.
3.0 to >0 pts
Needs Improvement
No facts clearly identified from the article. No facts from the results or discussion sections. No attempt to connect facts from the article back to the PICO question. No attempt to connect facts from the article back to your nursing practice.
10.0 pts
This criterion is linked to a Learning Outcome Reliability paragraph for your nursing quantitative research article.(Paragraph #3)
10.0 to >8.0 pts
Definition of reliability offered with citation. Discussion of reliability clearly connected to data collection or measurement methods with examples from the student’s research article. Type of reliability is identified and named.
8.0 to >3.0 pts
Vague or no definition of reliability. Minimal reference to data collection or measurement methods in discussion of reliability with no reference to specific information from the student’s article. Type of reliability is not clearly identified/ named.
3.0 to >0 pts
Needs Improvement
Vague statements about reliability made with no discussion of data collection or measurement methods offered. Type of reliability is not identified/ named.
10.0 pts
This criterion is linked to a Learning Outcome Validity paragraph for your nursing quantitative research article. (Paragraph #4)
10.0 to >8.0 pts
Definition of validity offered with citation. Discussion of validity clearly connected to research design, data collection, or measurement methods with examples from the student’s research article. Type of validity is identified and named.
8.0 to >3.0 pts
Vague or no definition of validity. Minimal reference to research design, data collection, or measurement methods in discussion of validity with no reference to specific information from the student’s article. Type of validity is not clearly identified/ named
3.0 to >0 pts
Needs Improvement
Vague statements about validity made with no discussion of data collection or measurement methods offered. Type of validity is not identified/ named.
10.0 pts
This criterion is linked to a Learning Outcome Two additional strengths or weaknesses from your nursing quantitative research article. (Paragraph #5)
10.0 to >8.0 pts
Two strengths or two weaknesses or one strength and one weakness are specifically identified from your nursing quantitative research article. The student choices for strengths / weaknesses must focus on the methods used by the authors for sampling, measurement methods used (ex. a questionnaire), or how the data was collected (data collection) with examples from the student’s research article. Do not use the reliability / validity strengths or weaknesses used in those sections of the paper.
8.0 to >3.0 pts
Only one strength / or weakness explained well with second strength / weakness only identified. Strengths / weaknesses not based on sample, measurement methods, or data collection. Include information about reliability /validity from previous sections.
3.0 to >0 pts
Needs Improvement
Strength / weaknesses identified are not based on these three critique skills. No strengths / weaknesses identified.
10.0 pts
This criterion is linked to a Learning Outcome Clinical practice guideline summary.(Paragraph #6)
10.0 to >8.0 pts
Name and specific website of the clinical practice guideline and specific website identified. Guideline is the most recent version or published within the past five years. Three facts clearly identified that were found within the guideline and relate to the practice of a BSN. Facts clearly tied to PICO question. Facts connected to your nursing practice.
8.0 to >3.0 pts
Name of the clinical practice guideline or website not clearly identified. Fewer than three facts clearly identified that were found within the guideline or facts not specifically related to the practice of the nurse. Facts vaguely tied to PICO question. Facts vaguely connected to your nursing practice.
3.0 to >0 pts
Needs Improvement
Name of the clinical practice guideline or website not stated. No clearly identified facts from the guideline. Facts not tied to PICO question or nursing practice.
10.0 pts
This criterion is linked to a Learning Outcome “Fourth resource” summary.(Paragraph #7)
10.0 to >8.0 pts
Three facts clearly identified from the fourth resource which is 5 years or less from current publication date. Facts clearly tied to PICO question. Facts connected to your nursing practice.
8.0 to >3.0 pts
Less than three facts clearly identified from the fourth resource. Facts not clearly tied to PICO question. Facts not clearly connected your nursing practice.
3.0 to >0 pts
Needs Improvement
No facts clearly identified from the fourth resource. No attempt to connect facts from the fourth resource back to the PICO question. No attempt to connect facts from the fourth resource back to your nursing practice.
10.0 pts
This criterion is linked to a Learning Outcome Closing Paragraph(s)(Paragraph #8, and #9 if needed)
10.0 to >8.0 pts
PICO question is restated. A summary of what was learned (from all sources) is present. Sources are cited. Recommendations for practice are offered.
8.0 to >3.0 pts
Missing one or more of the following elements: PICO question. A summary of what was learned. Recommendations for practice.
3.0 to >0 pts
Needs Improvement
No PICO question. Poor or no attempt to summarize information from the resources. No / vague recommendations for practice are offered.
10.0 pts
This criterion is linked to a Learning Outcome APA Style and Formatting
15.0 to >0.0 pts
APA formatting for this paper will follow the guidelines for general formatting, in text-citations, margins, headings (if desired) alignment and line spacing, font type and size, paragraph indentation, page headers, and the reference page as explained in the 2nd edition of APA the Easy Way or the 6th edition of the APA Manual. Helpful Hints: • Do not use 1st person in a formal paper. • Do not use direct quotes, instead summarize and paraphrase what you are reading. Multiple quotes (more than two) will receive multiple point deductions. These deductions are separate from the 15 points for APA. In other words, there is no limit to the number of points that can be deducted for excess direct quotes. • Please do not forget to use the approved CONHI cover page. • Check your references format before submitting your paper. A ten-point deduction will be applied to your paper if the References page is omitted. The first time an APA error is discovered, it will be pointed out to you and a point will be deducted from your paper. Maximum number of points deducted for APA errors: 15 points
0.0 pts
Needs Improvement
APA formatting for this paper will follow the guidelines for general formatting, in text-citations, margins, headings (if desired) alignment and line spacing, font type and size, paragraph indentation, page headers, and the reference page as explained in the 2nd edition of APA the Easy Way or the 6th edition of the APA Manual. Helpful Hints: • Do not use 1st person in a formal paper. • Do not use direct quotes, instead summarize and paraphrase what you are reading. Multiple quotes (more than two) will receive multiple point deductions. These deductions are separate from the 15 points for APA. In other words, there is no limit to the number of points that can be deducted for excess direct quotes. • Please do not forget to use the approved CONHI cover page. The first time an APA error is discovered, it will be pointed out to you and a point will be deducted from your paper. Maximum number of points deducted for APA errors: 15 points
0.0 pts
APA formatting for this paper will follow the guidelines for general formatting, in text-citations, margins, headings (if desired) alignment and line spacing, font type and size, paragraph indentation, page headers, and the reference page as explained in the 2nd edition of APA the Easy Way or the 6th edition of the APA Manual. Helpful Hints: • Do not use 1st person in a formal paper. • Do not use direct quotes, instead summarize and paraphrase what you are reading. Multiple quotes (more than two) will receive multiple point deductions. These deductions are separate from the 15 points for APA. In other words, there is no limit to the number of points that can be deducted for excess direct quotes. • Please do not forget to use the approved CONHI cover page. The first time an APA error is discovered, it will be pointed out to you and a point will be deducted from your paper. Maximum number of points deducted for APA errors: 15 points
15.0 pts
This criterion is linked to a Learning Outcome Excessive Direct Quotes
0.0 pts
More Than Two Direct Quotes
Five points will be deducted for each direct quote in excess of two.
0.0 pts
No More Than Two Direct Quotes
0.0 pts
Total Points: 100.0
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